Technical Assistance
Innovation and Development enhances clients’ management of public governance, social and economic development.
It supports countries to achieve growth and competitiveness through improved infrastructure, access to training and education or by finding ways to improve the income earning capacity of the population through targeted policies and capacity building activities. Department also helps to reduce social information dissemination and awareness raising activities
The mission :
· Management of complex projects in the field of Education, ICT, Health, Human Capital
· Strategy and operations
· Technology
· Outsourcing advisory, and financial subsidiary
· Digital transformation
Examples of tenders :
Technical Assistance for “Improving the Quality of Vocational Education by Increasing and Supporting Technology Usage in Education” (Turkey)
Process consultant: Planned Programme for Private Sector Driven Economic Growth and Employment Promotion in Mali 2013-2017
Realization of the diagnostic and global repositioning of Congo education system
Feasibility Study of a High Tech center in Mali, detailed architectural survey, signing academic partnership agreements (Mali)
Design and Implementation of Virtual Enterprises (a Practice Firm) (Azerbaijan)