Colegio Colombo Hebreo
Colegio Colombo Hebreo is an institution with over seventy years of experience, committed to the comprehensive education of young people as independent, intellectually competent students, able to relate to the modern world through ethical values, Jewish experiences and scientific knowledge.

Name of School | Colegio Colombo Hebreo |
Location | Bogota, Colombia |
Age range | Kindergarten, Elementary school, High School |
Students | 250 |
Teachers | 50 |
Colombo Hebreo School has a large campus surrounded by about 6 hectares of green areas, containing large classrooms, recreation rooms, reading rooms, a modern art studio, gym, greenhouse, labs and more. The College has been updated, remodelled and expanded over time to match the technical requirements of a leading educational campus.
There is a strong bilingual culture in the school. Spanish is the primary language and from kindergarten upwards, further instruction is given in English. The school library and reading room both have books in Spanish and English and students go on to study English literacy for twelve hours per week. In the elementary school, students advance to learning science in English.
Jewish Education
The mission of the Jewish Studies Department is to provide a comprehensive Jewish education, through the teaching of Hebrew, the history of the Jewish people, Jewish religion, traditions and customs. Together with a focus on strengthening a bond with the State of Israel, students enjoy an experiential environment that encourages a sense of belonging to the Hebrew people.
Within the Jewish Studies program, the school have incorporated a Jewish History curriculum, the Shorashim programme. The sixth grade students design work that reflects their roots, the migration of their families and their story up to the present.
The senior students develop presentations about Israel´s perspective in the Middle Eastern conflict. They visit around four schools and/or universities per year in Bogotá and answer questions from fellow students.
Colegio Colombo Hebreo participates in Pilpul competitions, Hidon Hatzionut and Hidon Tanaj, with participants travelling to Israel and different Latin American countries every year.

Extracurricular Activities
A wide variety of extracurricular activities are available, such as chess, art, programming, horse riding, golf, robotics, Krav Maga and cooking clubs. The results of the Art Program are shown at the International School's Art Fair.
A key area of interest in Colegio Colombo Hebreo is Entrepreneurship and the school offers two programmes to help students develop in these skills ‘How to Be an Entrepreneur’ and the ‘Israel Excellence Program’.