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Teaching and Learning Resource Center (CREA)

The Teaching and Learning Resource Centre (CREA) helps teachers to produce digital learning materials and resources for all areas and departments of the school. The Virtual Campus enables students and teachers to develop teaching-learning activities based on research, problem solving, project development, knowledge construction and communication within a context enriched and enhanced by new technologies.

The traditional model of a school is characterized by a teacher standing in front of the class and teaching the same material in the same style to all the students, irrespective of the students’ individual capabilities. In this model, which some academics define as “broadcast”, there is a person who knows and people who do not know. Such a model reproduces the concept of the “teaching manual”, with fixed and immovable content, produced by adult experts. This process is unilateral and almost passive on the part of the students, since they produce very little in the classroom. Any technology reinforces the broadcast model, supported by what is known as Web 1.0: static sites where the role of the visitor is to "visit" and to "look", with no option of change.

Learning is particularly effective for the students when they are engaged in constructing products which are meaningful for them. This is the educational 2.0 approach that the school wants to foster in its students. Students are placed at the centre, and this gives them the possibility to produce. More than this, students have an active say in what they produce and the way they are going to produce. All the students have their own individual netbooks to carry out collaborative tasks in all the subjects.

Virtual Campus

The Virtual Campus enables students and teachers to develop teaching-learning activities based on research, problem solving, project development, knowledge construction and communication within a context enriched and enhanced by new technologies.

It provides students and teachers with a fast, versatile space for publication and cooperative production, as well as with important space to record, communicate and update the daily activities of ORT Argentina. As a result, specific projects, classes, events, teachers and students can use the Campus to involve the community in their everyday work and productions.

ORT’s Virtual Campus allows each teacher to customize the contents for every group according to its rhythm in learning and the modalities the students require. They can log in when they are in the classrooms --equipped with multimedia technological infrastructure and a netbook per student-- or wherever their computer, phone or tablet can be connected with the Internet.