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ORT Network Jewish Secondary School, Riga

A Jewish secondary school - named after Shimon Dubnov - was set up in Riga in 1989, becoming the first Jewish state school in the former Soviet Union. The school moved to new premises in 2010, in which World ORT installed state-of-the-art ICT, science and robotics laboratories. In 2011-2012, the school was ranked as the 8th best secondary school in Latvia, according to the Latvian Ministry of Education. In addition to providing education in line with the state curriculum, the school offers advanced study in two tracks: Jewish education and technology education.

Name of School ORT Network Riga Jewish Secondary School
Location Riga/Latvia
Age range Elementary, Junior High, High School
Students 326
Teachers 42

Jewish Education

Informal Jewish Education

The school runs a leadership (hadracha) school, a Jewish scout troop, a variety of Shabbatonim, Jewish art and singing clubs, and a Jewish dance ensemble.

Technology Education

Contributions to the National Education System

  • One of the school’s most experienced mathematics teachers has authored a number of textbooks and gives teaching master-classes to teachers across the city.
  • The school administration actively recruits for young innovative specialists; now they make up about 95% of school teachers.